Offices in Los Angeles, Seattle, Miami, New Delhi & Italy


ChatSync Provides Quick and Easy Answers to Attorneys

Provide Attorneys
Quick and Reliable Data

ChatSync allows your attorneys access to quick and reliable financial information about their clients. Attorneys can ask any questions in plain english about their client's information or financials. For example, an attorney can ask for a client balance or payment status.Eliminate the need for custom reports or manual queries to your staff.

Instant Answers to Complex Questions

Attorneys can enter any question about their client's data and get instant results. No need to email or call firm staff for answers.

Put The Power In Your Attorneys Hands

Before speaking with a client, your attorneys will have access to reliable and instant information. How much does a client owe? How long have they taken to pay? Find out instantly!

Attorneys rely on accurate and up-to-date information when interacting with their clients. ChatSync provides attorneys instant access to their client’s data without having to run complex reports or query firm staff.

Attorneys simply type in any question they have in plain english and ChatSync provides the answer by analyzing the data from your time and billing system.

Only ChatSync delivers:

  • Instant answers to attorney questions
  • Restrict attorneys to their specific client’s data
  • Our AI powered engine can analyze complex financial data and provide easy and simple answers for attorneys
  • Eliminate the need to build custom reports
  • Ask any question and get answers in seconds
  • Analyze any data set from your time and billing data to provide answers to attorneys
  • Can be deployed in minutes.

Benefits Of Scan Logic’s ChatSync Solution

Attorneys simply need to ask any question they have about their client’s data or financials in a simple to use chat box. ChatSync provides quick and reliable answers to attorneys related to their client’s data without having to bother busy staff or rely on complex and hard to read financial reports.

Contact Us Today to schedule a demo and learn more about our offerings